In this first Atlantic Resource blog post of the new year we take a broad look at what it means to work in 2016.Our attitude to work can define how we see we are working hard or not working hard or not working at all; whether we are being lazy, not applying ourselves, getting easily distracted; whether we are giving all we have, more than we have, and burning ourselves out at the expense of the people closest to us; whether we are working at something we loathe, or love; whether we are cruising comfortably along, happy enough doing what pays the bills: this all shapes who we are.In isolation there is a timelessness in that idea. But it’s hard to escape the impact of modern workplaces in how we view work today, the effortless connectedness, speed of communication and ease with which we judge each other from afar.Our attitude to work is a complex personal minefield of issues concerning self-esteem, self-image and self-worth. Scroll through LinkedIn profiles and witness the mixture of ways people choose to represent themselves professionally. One obvious bonus of work in 2016 is that we can do different work remotely, have side projects, adopt multiple personas. Today our online activity and digital representation is almost as important as our physical presence and in-person workplace relationships. This is certainly the case for certain members of the workforce.

What Work Means To Millennials

People born between 1980 and 1999 have been dubbed millennials. These people are predicted by Deloitte to make up 75% of the global workforce by 2025. Millennials apparently don’t have the same attitude towards work as earlier generations. They aren’t motivated by ideas like a job for life. They are said to value a strong work / life balance and a sense of purpose beyond what they earn.However, the longer you work, the more attitudes to work evolve and change. Drastic change itself can become more difficult, adapting to new ways of working and bending to major shifts in[Read our blog on workplace motivation battles, burnouts and ‘brownouts’.]

What Work Means To Port Talbot

Mass redundancies of almost a thousand at Tata Steel in Port Talbot has again underlined a shift away from traditional forms of work. Welsh identity was built in no small part on multiple pockets of mining communities. The identity of Port Talbot and generations of its people was built largely around Tata Steel, its work and its jobs. Attitudes towards work are doubtless undergoing major change there.It seems that attitudes towards work in 2016 are defined increasingly by individual business management, entrepreneurialism and creative sensibilities. More decision making is required, more confidence, more adaptable and transferable skill sets. Although a number still commit to learning a trade that will always be relevant.Work can mean any number of different things to different people. There is no right or wrong. As we begin to inch further into 2016, take a moment to think about what work means to you.Get in touch with us here at Atlantic Resource if you’d like to talk over new work options in catering, construction, office admin or care.